TAG App Delivery at Kubecon Chicago

Kubecon Chicago 2023

At Kubecon Chicago TAG App Delivery will bring together maintainers and users of projects that enable cloud-native application delivery to meet and learn from each other. The TAG’s goals as always are to a) enable application delivery projects to learn from each other and from cloud application developers and b) make application delivery faster and more efficient for end users.

To this end the TAG will host a project meeting on Monday morning at the Marriott; and booth F41 in the project pavilion at the conference center on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. At these venues we’ll be hosting talks and discussions about app delivery topics; if you’d like to share an open source project, a new idea, or just lead an open discussion please let us know by filling out this form.

Here are those links again:

The TAG will also host a panel discussion on Tuesday at 3:25pm on the relevance of platforms and platform engineering for efficient cloud-native computing. Please join us!

Stop by our booth to chat about platforms, GitOps, artifacts and other app delivery topics and learn more about the TAG.

Pre-day meetup - Monday morning

The schedule for the project meeting on Monday morning will be as follows:

Time Topic
Nov 6 @ 08:00 TAG General Review
Nov 6 @ 09:15 Talks on projects, concepts and working groups
Nov 6 @ 10:45 Talks on projects, concepts and working groups

Booth meetups - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

The schedule for talks at the booth follows:

Date/Time Topic Presenter
Nov 7 @ 17:00 Talks and discussions
Nov 8 @ 15:00 Talks and discussions
Nov 9 @ 13:00 Talks and discussions

See you in Chicago!