TAG App Delivery at Kubecon EU 2023

Kubecon EU 2023

At Kubecon EU next week TAG App Delivery will bring together cloud-native application developers and framework builders to meet each other and share insights and knowledge. Our goal is to make cloud development better for all by gathering feedback, finding synergies and guiding both users and projects.

To this end the TAG will host the following lightning talk meetups. The list of talks and presenters follows below.

  • a pre-day meetup in RAI Room D301, Congress Center
  • a booth meetup on Wednesday 4/19 at 3:00pm in booth K1 in the CNCF Project Pavilion in the Solutions Hall
  • a booth meetup on Thursday 4/20 at 1:30pm in booth K1 in the CNCF Project Pavilion in the Solutions Hall

In addition to these meetings and talks, the TAG will host booth K1 in the project pavilion in the first half of each conference day. Stop by any time to chat with us and learn more about the TAG; initiatives related to operators, GitOps, Platforms and more; and App Delivery-related CNCF projects.

Also, if you work on an open source project related to app delivery and don’t have your own booth, you’re welcome to reserve the TAG booth for a session describing your project! Please DM Josh Gavant on CNCF Slack to coordinate.

Pre-day meetup - Tuesday

Time Topic Presenter
13:00 TAG General Review TAG Leads
13:30 Lightning Talks on Application Delivery
Porting CloudFoundry Abstractions on Kubernetes Ram Iyengar
Platform Maturity Model Abby Bangser
Project Unox - A platform showcase experiment Gopal Ramachandran
Burden of Responsibility in cloud-native App Development Colin Griffin
Tailored Platforms on top of Kubernetes Mauricio Salatino
14:30 TAG Work in Progress Review WG Leads
Platforms Josh Gavant
Operators Jennifer Streyevitch
Artifacts Andrew Block
GitOps Scott Rigby
15:30 Lightning Talks on Application Delivery
Capabilities of Portals Josh Gavant
K8sGPT brings superpowers to everyone Alex Jones
Enable secure self-service access to Kubernetes clusters with Paralus Abhinav Mishra
Microcks intro: The Open-source Kubernetes Native tool for API Mocking and Testing Yacine Kheddache
Identity-defined Microservice Networks Karthik Prabhakar

Booth meetups - Wednesday and Thursday

As mentioned above, we’ll hold meetups with lightning talks on App Delivery topics at booth K1 on Wednesday at 3:00pm and Thursday at 1:30pm.

The schedule for the booth follows:

Date/Time Topic Presenter
Apr 19 @ 10:30 - 16:00 Booth open
Apr 19 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Meetup and Lightning Talks
ClickOps over GitOps Laszlo Fogas
Implementing the pattern of “as-a-Service” (using Kratix) Abby Bangser
Monitoring-As-Code with Crossplane Matthias Luebken
Using GitOps for AWS Serverless Infrastructure Carlos Santana
Far Beyond Virtual Clusters Dario Tranchitella
GitOps made easy for any applications with PipeCD Khanh Tran
Apr 20 @ 10:30 - 14:30 Booth open
Apr 20 @ 13:30 - 14:30 Meetup and presentations
ReleaseOps: GitOps for the People Lian Li
Composable Platforms with Carvel Thomas Vitale
Making “Tenants” first-class citizens in Kubernetes with Capsule Dario Tranchitella
Apr 21 @ 10:30 - 12:30 Booth open

TAG presentation

Last but not least, join TAG leads on Thursday for a session describing how applications, operators, GitOps and platforms come together to enable efficient and delightful cloud-native application delivery.

Hope to see you in Amsterdam!