Platforms Working Group

Platforms WG

The charter describes the mission and tactics of the Platforms working group (WG). To participate join us on Slack at #platforms-wg or the meetings described below.


  • Josh Gavant (@joshgav)
  • Roberth Strand (@roberthstrand)
  • Abby Bangser (@abangser)


CNCF Platforms White Paper

This paper intends to support enterprise leaders, enterprise architects and platform team leaders to advocate for, investigate and plan internal platforms for cloud computing. We believe platforms significantly impact enterprises’ actual value streams, but only indirectly, so leadership consensus and support is vital to the long-term sustainability and success of platform teams. In this paper we’ll enable that support by discussing what the value of platforms is, how to measure it, and how to implement platform teams that maximize it.


A collection of terms used in the Platform Working Group published papers.

Platform Engineering Maturity Model

This maturity model intends to provide tactical guidance to users seeking to adopt the patterns discussed in the Platforms Definition White Paper. That paper suggests why and what to build; this document will begin to describe how to plan to build it. The target audience is CTOs, Directors of engineering, lead engineers, and architects seeking to evaluate their current state and environment and identify opportunities for improvement.

This document refers to, enhances, and follows similar standards as the following related documents:
Cloud Maturity Model
Platforms Definition White Paper

Platforms Working Group Charter

The charter describes the mission and tactics of the Platforms working group (WG)

Last modified August 9, 2023: Website restructuring (#426) (4fb08b6)